Creating desire, stirring emotions, inciting a purchase, while standing out from the competition, are these your goals? Strategir can assist you right through your innovation process, so that it will be crowned by success!
Knowing how not only to identify, but also to formulate and validate what will be the basis of a powerful concept, and the foundation of a successful product mix, is a time consuming task.
We closely support you throughout your development process to ensure robustness, precision and relevance of your evaluation of your concepts.
Our multidisciplinary teams will deploy the best approach from various available methodologies:
We identify the strengths and weaknesses of your mixes and suggest improvements that can turn your concept and product into a success.
Using advanced data management and AI technologies, we help you optimise your concepts and secure the potential of your mixes to be launched.
Taste, smell, appearance and feel of a product form the overall consumer experience, influencing both purchases and loyalty.
Product R&D (Research and Development) is therefore a discriminating step in the innovation process.
With our expertise in data and cross-sector sensory studies, we support you in your product development processes: from consumer knowledge (e.g. Kano or Prefmap) to performance evaluation (innovation or renovation tests).
Our proprietary KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) (signature and adoption scores ) provide clear overview of product performance for most efficient informed decision making.
With over 20 years’ expertise in the olfactory market as the global leader in fragrance testing, Strategir offers you an approach for effective perfume innovation that takes into account the ability of a juice/mix to create bond but also to tell a coherent story and stir emotions.
Aggregation of our data, tests and olfaction expertise enable us to support you in decoding the performance of your juices/mixes and reveal the potential of your creations.
It has led us to the creation of proprietary Sniff KPIs, signature and addiction scores, for unique and ever more enlightening perfume tests.
The technical or highly functional aspects of service offers often make it difficult for customers/users to take on board. It can therefore be difficult to identify what should be leveraged and activated when launching a new service proposition.
We have created hybrid test protocols, capable of identifying the reasons why a consumer accepts or rejects a new offer or service, regardless of its level of technicality.
Our services sector team with full grasp of your challenges, technical and legal constraints work as expert partners in your innovation development path with tailor-made support.
Packaging is the first touch-point that forms product perceptions and generates desire.
It must be visible, legible and attractive, and convey the right messages explicitly and implicitly during purchase and use.
Furthermore, emotional dimensions, such as sustainability, ethics and expression of brand values are becoming more and more vital when it comes to making a choice. The pack use experience must also convey the right idea in 360 degrees, as a marketing medium and as a physical object.
As experts in pack testing, we not only test the packaging (marketing and ergonomic aspects) but also guide you throughout your pack development process, from ideation to final validation.
We provide pack performance indicators (KPIs): a sustainability score and a visibility score.
Price is the key criterion that structures the consumers’ value perception of a product and directly impacts purchase behaviours.
We believe that it is vital to replicate the real purchase context for relevant price testing. It is essential to evaluate the prices in a competitive universe of reference.
Our expert sector teams are well-versed in methods such as CBC (Choice-Based Conjoint) or PSM (Price Sensitivity Measurement) to assist you closely in evaluating the optimal price for your product or service.
Innovation processes are increasingly consumer centric.
In classic marketing research, consumers are often involved only in the final evaluation or validation phases of a product or service development.
However, who can better tell us than the consumers themselves what they want and what experiences they expect from brands? Involving consumers in the upstream phases of innovation, in other words co-creating future offers with them, brings us a twofold outcome: authenticity and trustworthiness. It also assures meaningful and impactful solutions.
Strategir experts in techniques of creativity and design thinking will work closely with you to invent new brand or product experiences with your consumers and your own teams.
Strategir is committed to our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy.
Strategir works together with the clients in the development of more virtuous offers for their consumers, with our marketing expertise and knowledge in sustainable development. development.
Strategir embraces the values of solidarity and mutual support to build on trust, transparency and respect with its stakeholders.
Strategir cultivates a professional environment that prioritises the fulfilment of its team members by fostering empowerment.
Strategir adopts actions of solidarity, as well as sound resource management.