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Privacy Policy

General policy of the STRATEGIR Group regarding the protection of personal data

Strategir is an independent company established in 1986. Our main activities are the design and provision of market research services.
This personal data protection policy testifies to Strategir’s desire and commitment to responsible use of the personal data collected and processed in the context of our daily activities.

“Personal Data” means data relating to a living individual who is or can be identified either from the data or from the data in conjunction with other information which is or may come into our possession.

We consider the protection of personal data to be important and through this policy we wish to provide information on how we collect and process this data.

This privacy policy applies to all of our entities (sites) and all business activities we conduct in which we collect personal data .

It is our policy to take all necessary steps to ensure that the personal information we hold is treated fairly and lawfully. We will take all necessary steps to implement this policy. All of our employees and contractors who have access to personal information are required to respect the confidentiality of your personal information.

Our privacy policy covers us and the Site. You can access the Site’s home page and browse the Site without disclosing any Personal Information.

Without your permission, we will not sell, rent or trade any personal information provided by you to any third party. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children.

The Site may contain links to other websites that are not owned by us. We are not responsible for the content of those sites or the privacy policies of those sites or any personal information those sites may collect or place on your computer.

It applies to all processing of personal data by Strategir, as Data Controller or subcontractor acting on behalf of a client, subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) n°2016/679) in force since May 25, 2018.

As part of its core business, Strategir questions samples of consumer populations on behalf of its clients; consumers whose personal data is collected, in particular for identification purposes (identity: first name, last name, date of birth, contact details: postal address, telephone number, e-mail).

We process these consumer samples on an aggregated basis, data is anonymized before processing and we do not analyze any individual data.

Like any other company, Strategir also collects personal data about its employees. An employee’s personal file is a key element in the administration of human resources and contains personal information (marital status, diplomas, etc.), data relating to the employment contract, training, evaluation ( professional interviews), information on wages and health at work.

What we discuss and share with our clients and prospects: the products and methodologies we offer; our research in the field of market research; and notable trends in the areas we study.

These exchanges of information and advice take place through newsletters, workshops and media events, and are based on mutual interest. We use a secure CRM application containing primarily personally identifiable information to contact our customers and prospects.

In view of the preceding paragraphs, and in order to preserve the confidentiality and protection of personal data, Strategir appointed in 2016 a Privacy and Data Protection Contact (CIL), whose role has now evolved into that of Data Protection Officer. Data (DPO). since the introduction of the GDPR.

The DPO is responsible for ensuring good practices, as well as ensuring the application and compliance with the regulations relating to the protection of personal data.

  • 1) Purpose of our data processing
    • We collect personal data for specific purposes. The purposes of our data processing are fixed, legitimate and clear.
    • We use letters and forms to make data subjects aware of the purpose of this processing; these letters and forms are used to help obtain unambiguous consent. This consent is securely archived.
    • No data is collected without the person’s knowledge or prior notification.
    • Only the relevant data strictly necessary for the achievement of the purpose are collected and processed.
    • These data may not be used subsequently for purposes other than those for which they were collected.
    • Any use of the customer database to promote Strategir is done with the aim of sharing information and lessons useful to our customers and not intended for commercial purposes.
  • 2) Limited period of storage of personal data
    • Strategir keeps personal data in a file for a limited period that does not exceed the period defined for this purpose.
    • The storage periods vary according to the nature of the data, the purpose of the processing and the legal, judicial or regulatory requirements.
      For exemple :
      For personal data of respondents: we keep data on file in active databases for six months and then on a secure archive server for five years.</span >
      For employees’ personal data: the data contained in the personal file is kept for the duration of the employment contract; once the employee has left, it is kept for a variable period (1 to 5 years depending on the nature of the documents) provided for by French labor law.
      Individuals are informed of the applicable time limits for data storage upon request.
  • 3) Privacy, Data Access and Data Security
    • Only duly authorized recipients can access personal data under the conditions provided for by a security policy aimed at managing access to the only data necessary for the exercise of the activity.
    • Access rights are managed in line with the user’s role, and they are updated with each evolution or change of role.
    • An information systems backup policy has been put in place and is adapted to the company’s activities and the nature of the data collected and processed.
    • Technical means, as well as physical, organizational and IT security measures are deployed to ensure data confidentiality, prevent leaks and prevent unauthorized access.
    • We also ask our subcontractors to respect these rules and to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the personal data they collect or process on our behalf.
  • 4) Transfer of personal data
    • In the event of transfer of personal data, where applicable, to a country outside the European Union, this transfer will be carried out in accordance with and in compliance with the formalities required by the CNIL.
    • In particular, under the General Data Protection Regulation, each data collector must inform the person whose data has been collected of the existence of transfers to a country which is not a State member of the European Union. This notification will take place at the time of obtaining the consent of the persons concerned.
  • 5) Rights of people
    • Every natural person has rights over their personal data, and can exercise these rights at any time, free of charge, by providing proof of their identity.
    • Once the request has been completed with Strategir’s DPO Correspondent – or , individuals can access their data and exercise their right of consultation, rectification, deletion or opposition to certain treatments.
    • Individuals making such a request should be informed in a transparent, concise and understandable manner how their personal data is being processed.


If you wish to request additional information regarding the General Policy for the Protection of Personal Data, please contact: or

The postal address to write to the Strategir DPO is:
STRATEGIR – Data Protection Officer – 5 Rue Foy – 33000 BORDEAUX FRANCE


Privacy and Cookies
This page answers some important questions about how STRATEGIR collects and uses your personal data, as well as the use of cookies and how you can control this. You can also consult our legal notices in their entirety.

How STRATEGIR uses this information:
STRATEGIR is committed to protecting your right to privacy and follows strict security procedures in the storage and disclosure of personal information. You can be assured that any information you share with us will be treated confidentially and will not be disclosed to anyone outside of STRATEGIR, its subsidiaries and its Preferred Partners.
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